The Foundation aims at help for immigrants, ethnic, national, and cultural minorities, as well as in favor of the integration of foreigners with the Polish society.
(Statute from April, 24th 2003 about the activity of common welfare and the voluntary services, DEPARTENT I, Article 4 point 5, point 5a)
(USTAWA z dnia 24 kwietnia 2003 r. o działalności pożytku publicznego i o wolontariacie, DZIAŁ I, Art. 4. pkt 5, pkt 5a)
Help free of charge involves:
Representation in institutions, offices and bureaus of:
- Foreigners
- People who wish to enroll/ continue their studies in Poland
Guidance during the process of settling in Poland, among others:
- opening and using the bank account in Poland
- registration in the Tax Office
- insurance, health care
- registration of residence
- obtaining the Polish citizenship
- Help with filling the forms (residence permit, NIP – eng. Value Added Tax Identification Number, ZUS – eng. Social Insurance Institution, registration of residence) etc.
Help with obtaining the legal information* :
- legalizing your stay
- the right to work
- repatriation
- family reunification
- preparations to start your business
- and other life situations
*Nasza Fundacja nie udziela porad telefonicznie, mailowo ani za pośrednictwem poczty. Jest to związane z dobrem naszych klientów. Udzielenie dobrej porady wymaga gruntownego poznania sprawy, z jaką przychodzi do nas klient, a to jest możliwe jedynie przy osobistym spotkaniu i rozmowie.
Coaching \during the process of job hunting
- preparing your CV and your covering letter
- registration in the Employment Bureau
Counseling and help in the education field
- in terms of enrolling on the University
- validation of foreign diplomas
- organizing trainings for immigrants („How to Write Your Resume and Look for a Job”)
Integrational meetings
- bike trips
- barbecue
- cuisine from around the world
- and other topics
Promoting the culture
- help with the international exchange of creative teams from the countries of the East Partnership and Poland
- organizing cultural events
The paid services:
Translation of documents from Russian and Ukrainian to Polish
- Birth certificates
- Marriage certificates, Divorce certificates
- Driving License
- Diplomas
- Other Documents
Services for Employers
- in the topic of the employment of the foreigners
- trainings in Russian in business
Polish courses for Russian-speaking foreigners